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We're just out wild beast dog hunting right now. There's a lot of them around this area of the island. Tigger is sure having a good time taking them down, hehe! We're gonna continue hunting for a little while more, and then we should have enough hide to process into the amount of leather that I need to make me and Tara's armor.


Me and Tara are just in the command facility. We were talking about plans. I was telling her that since I now know how to work with iron again, it was time to make some armor. She agreed with me and said that it was a good idea. I think I'll be able to make our old armor again, not the armor we lost in the vortex, but the armor we had before that. It's not as good as the armor we lost in the vortex, but it's the same armor that we've worn for the longest time since being here in this future British Columbia. It's still pretty decent armor. Anyways, we found some iron ingots in the furnaces. We also have enough thick leather from the last batch of hide. We just need some regular leather. So, me and Tara are gonna be going hunting tomorrow. There are wild dog beasts near here, and we will be able to process their hide into the regular leather that I need in order to make our armor.


Well, I put my craftsman skills to the test, and I was able to make some iron tools. This is a good sign for my recovery. I'm so glad that I can finally throw away those stone tools. They aren't really that great for gathering. However, I do miss my star metal pick. That thing was excellent for gathering ore.

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