Me and Tara were traveling down the shore to get to the island where we'll be searching for brimstone. We stopped to examine a wrecked ship, and we discovered something horrible. There were dead bodies everywhere. There was also a dead creature. The creature looked like it was something out of a nightmare.
"What the hell happened here," I said. "And what the fuck is that thing?!"
"This is terrible, Ricky," Tara replied. "I don't know what that creature is, but could it possibly be a creature of horror?"
"It sure fucking looks like it," I responded. "It looks like something that came right out of a nightmare."

This is such a horrible and grim scene. I suspect the creature was responsible for the deaths of the occupants of this ship based on the damage that was done to their bodies. I'm not sure how the creature died though.
Me and Tara are still on the wrecked ship. I'm looking at the dead creature. Something's happening. The world around me is getting dark. I'm getting a vision. I see a horrible creature, a creature from the worst of nightmares. It has glowing eyes, a large mouth with sharp teeth, and lots of tentacles. It's lurking somewhere here in British Columbia...
Tara: Snap out of it, Ricky!
Richard: I'm fine, babe.
Tara: Did you have another vision?
Richard: Yeah, I did. I think we might have a bigger problem than the demons. I saw a horrible-looking creature, a creature from the worst of nightmares. It had glowing eyes, a large mouth with sharp teeth, and lots of tentacles. It's lurking somewhere here in British Columbia.
Tara: A creature of horror and nightmares.
Richard: Yeah, and this is what we're up against. The dead creature on this ship is only one of many different types of these creatures of horror.